Saturday, October 8, 2011

Printing a test: page breaks

I tried to print a copy of a task today for a student who does
not have internet access. I clicked on the line after problem 5 and before
problem 6 etc (so that I would get 5 questions per page for a total of 4
pages). When I printed however, it produced 10 pages with around 2 or 3
questions per page and in some cases cut a question in half so parts
appeared on two pages.

Web pages can be tricky to print.
The page break feature allows you to force a
page break so that the next question will start on a new page.  So, if
you know a problem is going to get cut in half, then set the page
break right before it so it begins on a new page.  The only certain
way to make sure everything is printed continuously is to put every
problem on its on page, by clicking every page break line.  Or, if you
see that three problems fit on a sheet of paper, but the fourth
problem gets broken up, then click on every third page break line.  We
can't do better than this for you, because printing depends on many
other factors out of our control, things like which web browser you
are using and its internal printing system, and the paper size which
feeds into your printer.


Anonymous said...

When I try to print a test (same issue, student without the internet) it prints the answers too! Can that be changed in some way?

ThatQuiz said...

The "Preview" button shows you the test questions with answers at the bottom. The "Print" button shows you questions without any answers.